Ming-Ho Wu,陳政隆 (Chen CL),姜希錚 (Chiang SC), 1977. 胸部挫傷引起氣管和支氣管的破裂(Rupture of Trachea and brobchus caused by blunt chest injury) 中華醫誌 (Chinese M J),Vol.24, pp.142-146.
李世俊,姜希錚,杜炎昌,陳政隆, Ming-Ho Wu,胡念華, 1977. Primary malignant tumor of trachea. 中華醫誌. Vol.24, pp.245-251.
Ming-Ho Wu,姜希錚,陳政隆,李世俊, 1978. 食道內硬幣之簡易摘除法,中華醫誌, Vol.25, pp.46-46.
Ming-Ho Wu, 1987. 口腔至空腸嚴重化學腐蝕食性灼傷,中華外科醫誌. Vol.20, No.6, pp.524-528.
Ming-Ho Wu, 1988. 外傷性心包破裂合併心臟崁頓,中華外科醫誌. Vol.21. No.2, pp.235-237.
薛榮海,曾貴海,黃宗信,楊家福, Ming-Ho Wu, 1988. 胸腔鏡對肋膜積液之診斷價值.中華醫誌. Vol.41, No.3, pp.233-236.
Ming-Ho Wu, 1988. 頸動脈突發性破裂引發上呼吸道阻塞,胸腔醫訊. Vol.3(1), pp.29-30.
Ming-Ho Wu, 1988,Delayed Recognition of hemothorax and hemopneumothorax in blunt chest injury, J. Surg Assoc ROC, 21,pp.604-609.
Ming-Ho Wu, Hsiue RH,Tseng KH,1989, Thoracoscopy in the diagnosis of pleural effusion. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. 19, pp.116-119. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu,蔡宗學, 1990, Intrathoracic meningocele. Thorac Med 5, pp.34-38.
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1990, Tracheoinnominate artery fistula. Thorac Med 5, pp.66-68.
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1990, Sleeve resection of congenital tracheal stenosis associated with pulmonary artery sling, J. Formosan Med Assoc 89, pp.724-726. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1990, Tracheobronchoplasty. J. Surg Assoc ROC 23, pp.144-149.
Chang-Chuan Su, Ching-Cherng Tzeng, Kang Fan, Chin-Yin Yu,Ying-Tai Jin, Nan-Haw Chow, Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, Hong-Ming Tsai,1990, Active Paragonimiasis, Chin Med J,46, pp.377-80.
阮明昆,黃建鐘,張漢煜,陳冠文,鐘應欽,周楠樺,吳明和, 1991,肺癌病腎病徵候群,中華民國腎病醫學會雜誌, Vol.5, pp.158-163.
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1992, Modified Left Thoracoabdominal Approach for Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Carcinoma,J. Surg Assoc ROC 25, pp.988-992.
賴吾為, Ming-Ho Wu,周楠松,林木源, 1992, Surgery for Malignant Involvement of the Superior Vena Cava, J Formosan Med Assoc, 91, pp.991-995. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu,蔡明哲,張財旺, 1992, Trauma outcome analysis by a medical center using the TRISS method, J. Surg Assoc ROC, 25, pp.1418-1424.
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1992, Esophageal Reconstruction for Esophageal Strictures or Resection After Corrosive Injury, Ann Thorac Surg 53, pp.798-802.(SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1992, Aortoesophageal Fistula Induced by Foreign Bodies, Ann Thorac Surg 54, pp.155-156. (SCI)
張財旺, Ming-Ho Wu,楊友任, 1992, Blood Levels of Platelet-Activating Factor in Endotoxin-Sensitive and Endotoxin-Resistant Mice During Endotoxemia, J Formosan Med Assoc Vol.91, pp.1133-1137. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai,林木源,周楠松, 1993, Massive Hemoptysis Caused by a Ruptured Subclavian Artery Aneurysm, Chest, August,104, PP612-3. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu,賴吾為,林木源,周楠松, 1993, Surgical treatment of acquired esophagorespiratory fistula, J. Surg Assoc ROC,26, pp.1563-1567.
Ming-Ho Wu,賴吾為,林木源,周楠松, 1993. Experience with Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. J. Surg Assoc ROCVol.26, No.2, pp.1683-1690.
鄭莉莉,蔡明哲, Ming-Ho Wu,俞芹英, 1993. Pitfalls in CT Evaluation of Blunt Abdominal Injury, J. Surg Assoc ROC,26, No.4, pp.1879-1885.
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, 1993. Surgical Management of Extensive Corrosive Injuries of Alimentary Tract, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics. July,177, pp.12-16. (SCI)
蔡明哲,詹世煌,張財旺, Ming-Ho Wu, 1993. Comparison of Two Different Trauma Assessment Scores in Predicting, J. Formos Med Assoc, 92, pp.463-7. (SCI)
曾堯麟,蔡明哲, Ming-Ho Wu, 1993. Lightning injury: report of a case. J. Formos Med Assoc, 92, pp.759-61. (SCI)
Chang HY, Chen Cw, Vhen Cy, Hsuie TR, Chen CR, Lei WW, Wu MH, Jin YT. 1993, Sep, Thorax. 48 (9), PP.947-8. (SCI)
陳冠文,黃建鐘, Ming-Ho Wu,林錫璋,陳炯瑜,阮明昆, 1994 Gas in Hepatic Veins: A Rare & Critical Presentation of Emphysematous Pyelyonephritits, J Urol, 151 pp125-6. (SCI)
陳冠文, Ming-Ho Wu,黃建鐘,俞芹英, 1994, Bilateral spontaneous Pneumothoraces, Pneumopericardium, Pneumomediastinum and Subcutaneous Emphysema- a rare presentation of paraquat intoxication. Ann Emerg Med, may 23(5) pp 1132-4. (SCI)
蔡明哲,楊琳煦, Ming-Ho Wu, 1994. Value of emergency room computed tomographic brain scan in mild head injury patients. J Surg Assoc ROC, 27, No.2, pp.2278-82
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, Nan-Tsing Chiu, Mu-Yen Lin.1994, Prevention and Management of Strictures after Hypopharyngocolostomy or Esophagocolostomy. Ann. Thorac. Surg 58:108-111. (SCI)
蔡明哲, Ming-Ho Wu, 1994. Application of global positioning system in emergency medical services. J Emerg Crit Care Med 5 (4), PP.22-30
周楠松, Ming-Ho Wu,詹啟賢,賴吾為,林木源.1994. Intrathoracic migration of Kirschner wires J. Formos Med Assoc, 93, pp.974-6. (SCI)
林木源, Ming-Ho Wu (correspondence author),賴吾為,周楠松,詹啟賢,曾堯麟. 1995, March, Bronchial rupture caused by blunt chest injury. Ann Emerg Med 25(3), PP.412-5. (SCI)
何 濤,謝俊民,鄭高珍, Ming-Ho Wu 1995. Bronchial rupture: Emphasis on radiological presentations. J Emerg Crit Care Med 6 (1), PP.26-31
Ming-Ho Wu,詹啟賢,周楠松,林木源,賴吾為 1995. Blood pH change and base deficit as severity indices of acid corrosive injury: observation in an experimental study. J. Surg Assoc ROC, 28, No.2, pp.89-94.
紀志賢,蔡明哲,林淑敏,葉又菁,陳冠文, Ming-Ho Wu A study of emergency ambulance non-transport in Tainan city 1995. J Emerg Crit Care Med. 6(1) pp.14~ 21
Shih-Min Wang, Ching-Chuan Liu, Chun-Ta Chen, An-Chyi Chen, Ming-Ho Wu. 1995. Pulmonary nocardiosis in a child with systemic lupus erythematous: report of a case. J Formos Med Assoc, 94, pp.506-8. (SCI)
Chih-Hsien Chi, Kuan-Wen Chen, Jeng-Jong Huang, Yin-Ching Chuang, Ming-Ho Wu. 1995. Gas composition in clostridium septicum gas gangrene. J Formos Med Assoc, 94, pp.757-9. (SCI)
Te-Chao Fang, Kuan-Wen Chen, Ming-Ho Wu, Junne-Ming Sung, Jeng-Jong Huang. 1995. Coumaphos intoxication mimic food poisoning. Clin Toxicology, 33, pp.699-703 (SCI)
Chih-Hsien Chi, Kuan-Wen Chen, Jeng-Shiann Shin, Ming-Ho Wu. 1995. Spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma: ED diagnosis and management, American J Emerg Med 13, pp.671-3. (SCI)
Ming-He Tasi, Chih-Hsien Chi, Yu-Ching Yeh, Shu-Min Lin, Yuan-Lung Yen, Kuan-Wen Chen, Ming-Ho Wu. 1995. Public Satisfaction of Prehospital Care Provided by 119 Personnel: A pilot Study from Tainan Area. J Emerg Crit Med. vol.6, No.3.pp.98-104
Yau- Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Treated by transaxillary Minithoracotmy under Video-Thoracoscopic Guidance. Thorac Med 1995;10:231-235
Chin-Hsein Chi, Kuan-Wen Chen, Jeng-Jong Huang, Yin-Ching Cuang, Ming-Ho Wu. 1995 . Gas Composition in Clostridum septicum Gas Gangerene. J Formos Med Assoc 94: 757-9.(SCI)
Wu-Wei Lai, Ming-Ho Wu, Jing-Jou Yan, Feng-Feng Chen. 1996. Immunohistochemical Analysis of nm23-H1 in stage I Non-small Cell Lung Caner: A useful Marker in Prediction of Metastases. Ann Thorac Surg, 62: 1500-4. (SCI)
Wei-Chuan Tasi, Li-Jen Lin, Jyh-Hong, Ming-Ho Wu. 1996. Afebrile spontaneous pneumopyopericardium. International Journal of Cardiology: 54: 69-72. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, TL Kao, 1996. Distribution of thymic hormones in thymic tumors and myasthenic thymus. Proceedings of the National Science Council. ROC. vol.20, No.1, pp.1-5.(NSC-79-0412-B006-35 and NSC-80-0412-B006-57).國科會計劃編號﹕NSC-79-0412-B006-35
Ming-Ho Wu, Mu-Yen Lin, Yau-Lin Tseng, Wu-Wei Lai. 1996 Surgical treatment of bronchiectasis. J Surg Association, ROC, 29: 145-61.
Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, Tsann-Long Hwang, Shih-Chun Lee, Hon-Ki Hsu, Torng-Sen Lin. 1996. Surgical results of corrosive injuries involving esophagus to jejunum. Hepatogastroenterology, 43, 846-850. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Nan-Tsing Chiu, Mu-Yen Lin, Yau-Lin Tseng. 1996. Functional evaluation of esophageal substitutes. Chinese Med ROC. 58: 223-9.
Ming-Ho Wu, Mu-Yen Lin, Yau-Lin Tseng, Wu-Wei Lai. 1996. Results of surgical treatment of 107 patients with complications of pulmonary tuberculosis. Respirology, I, 283-289.
Chih-Hsien Chi, Shu-Chu Shiesh, Kuan-Wen Chen, Ming-Ho Wu, Xi-Zhang Lin, 1996. C-reactive protein fir the evaluation of acute abdominal pain. Am J Emerg Med 14: 254-256. (SCI)
Chih-Hsien Chi, Ming-Che Tasi, Kuan-Wen Chen, Ming-Ho Wu.1996. 119 Emergency Medical Transport of the Elderly, Kaohsiung J Med Sci 12: 699-706.
Chih-Hsien Chi, Kuan-Wen Chen, Shih-Huang Chan, Ming-Ho Wu, Jeng-Jeng Huang. 1996. Clinical Presention and Prognostic Factors in Sodium Monofluoroacetate Intoxication, Clinical Toxicology, 34(6), 707-712. (SCI)
Chang-Hua Chou, Jeng-Shian Shin, Ming-Ho Wu, Nan-Haw Chow, Xi-Zhang Lin. 1996. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis with Esophageal Involvement. J Formos Med Assoc 95: 403-5. (SCI)
Ting-Tsung Chang, Kung- Chia Young, Tu-Jen Yang, Kuo-An Lai, Hua-Lin Wu, Ming-Ho Wu, Mao-Yuan Chen, Xi-Zhang Lin, Ching-Yih Lin, Jeng-Shiannn Shin. 1996 Incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis in Taiwan before and after introduction of anti-HCV testing. Liver. 16(3):201-6. (SCI)
Jih-Neng Wang, Chyi-Her Lin, Ming-Ho Wu, Jenn-Dong Lian. 1996. Infantile Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis after surgery for esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula. J Formos Med Assoc, 95, No.8. pp 642-3. (SCI)
Wu JM, Chen CT, Wang JN, Wu MH, Lin CH, Yang YJ. Upper airway obstruction caused by vascular anomalies in children. Zhonghua Min Guo Xiao Er Ke Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi. 1996 Mar-Apr;37(2):122-7.
Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. 1997. Surgical results of 23 patients with tracheobronchial injuries. Respirology 2: 127-130.
Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. 1997. Surgical results of 29 patients with benign tracheobronchial lesions. Respirology 2 : 179-184 .
Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. 1997. Surgical results of 40 patients with malignant tracheobronchial lesions. Respirology 2:255-259.
Chia-Chin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu, Yen-Bin Ray, Chuan-Lin Chang. 1997. Clinical application of transorotracheal tube tracheal insufflation of oxygen in patients undergoing simple video. assisted thoracscopic surgery. Anesthesia & analgesia 84, pp20-5 (SCI)
S-M Wang, C-H Lin, H-B Yang, M-H Wu. 1997, Congenital bilateral agenesis of diaphragm: report of a case. Eur J pediatr. 156: 572-4. (SCI)
H-Y Chang, C-S Chan, J-H Chen, M-C Tsai, Ming-Ho Wu. 1997, Evaluation of the Number of Laser-Doppler Measurements in Assessing Regional Diaphragmatic Microcirculation. Int. Microcirc 17: 123-9. (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. 1997. Surgical treatment of pediatric lung abscess. Pediatric Surg Int.12, pp293-5 (SCI)
Tsai-Wang Chang, Ming-Ho Wu, 1997, Pathogenetic Role of Gut in Irreversible Hemorrhagic shock. J Emerg Crit Care Med 8(4): 103-112.
Chung- Dann Kan, Jing- Ming Wu, Ming-Ho Wu, Yu-Jen Yang. Tracheal Stenosis Associated with Ventricular Septal Defect in a Down Syndrome Baby- A case Report. Reprinted from Acta Cardiolgica Sinica, Vol. 14/No. 1, pp.46-51 January - March 1998.
Chung-Lin Chen, Jing-Wei Lee, Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu, Haw-Yen Chiu. Primary Costochondritis or Osteomyelitis of the Ribs. J Plast & Reconstr Surg Asso ROC 1998;7:129-34
Ming-Ho Wu, Chao-Ming Chuang, Yau-Lin Tseng. Giant Intraluminal Firbovascular Polyp of the Esophagus. Hepatogastroenterology 1998;45:2115-6 (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Yung-Nien Sun, Ssu-Tao Huang, Han-Yu Chang. Blood Supply of Esophageal Stumps. Hepatogastroenterology 1998;45:2055-9 (SCI)
Hsin-Ling Lee, Kuan-Wen Chen, Ming-Ho Wu 1999. Acute Poisoning with a Herbicide Containing Imazapyr (Arsenal): A Report of Six Cases, Clinical Toxicology, 37(1), 83-9. (SCI)
Wu-Wei Lai, Ming-Ho Wu, Jen-Shiann Shin. Submucosal Esophageal Dissection-A rare Case Report. Hepatogastroenterology 1999;46:2419-21(SCI)
紀志賢,蔡明哲,莊佳璋,吳明和,蔡良敏.1999. A Simple Method for Pre-hospital Dispatcher-aided Consciousness Assessment in Trauma Patients. J Emerg Crit Care Med 10(2): 55-60
Jou IM, Tsai YT, Tsai,CL, Wu MH, Chang HY, Wang NS. Simplified rat intubation using a new oropharyngeal intubation wedge. J Applied Physiol. 2000:89:1766-70 (SCI)
Wu-Wei Lai, Ming-Ho Wu, Mu-Yan Lin, Yau-Lin Tseng, *Nan-Tsing Chiu. Treatment of Spontaneous Esophageal Rupture : II Years of Experience. Formosan J Surg 2000:33:14-20.
Yau-Lin Tseng , Ming-Ho Wu, Mu-Yan Lin, Fen-Fen Chen. Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid malformation: Report of Four Cases. Formosan J Surg 2000:33:77-84.
Y.-W. Cheng" C.-Y. Chen , P. Lin, C.-P. Chen , K.H. Huanga, T.-S. Lin , M.-H. Wu , H. Lee DNA adduct level in lung tissue may act as a risk biomarker of lung cancer. Euro J Cancer 36:1381-8,2000 (SCI)
S Landen, M.H.Wu, L.B. Jen, V.Delugeau, B.Launois. Pancreaticoduodenal necrosis due to caustic burns. Acta Chir Belg 100:205-9,2000 (SCI)
Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, and Wu-Wei Lai. Intrathoracic muscle flap transposition in the treatment of fibrocavernous tuberculosis Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2000 18: 666-670(SCI)
Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Re-doing Reconstruction of the Esophagus Using Remnant of the Ileo-left Colon Aided by Microvascular Anastomosis. Ann Thorac Surg 2001;71;1695-7(SCI)
Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Surgery for lung abscess in immunocompetent and immunocompromised children. J Pediatr Surg 2001;36(3);470-3(SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Esophageal Reconstruction for Hypopharyngoesophageal Strictures After Corrosive Injury. Euro J Cardiothorac Surg 2001:19: 400-5(SCI)
Sy ED. Lin CH. Shan YS. Wu MH. Chyloperitoneum: a postoperative complication after repair of tracheoesophageal fistula. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 36(6):E1, 2001 Jun. 21275790 (SCI)
Wu-Wei Lai, Fen-Fen Chen, Ming-Ho Wu, Nan-Haw Chow, Wu-Chou Su, Mi-Chia Ma, Pei-Fang Su, Helen Chen, Mu-Yan Lin, Yau-Lin Tseng. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Family Members in Stage 1 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Ann Thorac Surg 2001;721868-76 (SCI)
Yau-Lin Tseng, Shan-Tair Wang, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Predictors of Associated Intra-abdominal Visceral Injuries in Patients with Extensive Acid Corrosive Ingestion and the Surgical Outcomes. Formosan J Surg 2002;35:14-22
Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Outcome of Acid Ingestion Related Aspiration Pneumonia. Euro J Cardiothorac Surg 2002;21:638-43 (SCI)
Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Early Surgical Correction for Isolated Gastric Stricture following Acid Corrosive Injury. Digest Surg 2002;19:276-80(SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu. Primary repair and correction of anastomotic stenosis in congenital esophageal atresia . Formosan J Surg 2003;36:120-4
Yau-Lin Tseng, Shan-Tair Wang, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding author), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai, Fen-Fen Cheng. Thymic carcinoma: involvement of great vessels indicating poor prognosis. Ann Thorac Surg 2003 76: 1041-5 (SCI)
Yueh-Feng Tsai, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding author), Wu-Wei Lai; Yau-Lin Tseng; Mu-Yen Lin, Jia-Ming Chang. Clinical presentation, radiological features, and surgical treatment of bronchogenic cysts. Thorac Med 2003;18:214-21
Ming-Ho Wu, Jia-Ming Chang, Tsung-Mao Haung, Li-Li Cheng, Yau-Lin Tseng, Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Evaluation of the surgical risks of fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis by using computed tomography. Today Surg 2004;34:204-8 (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Yueh-Feng Tsai, Mu-Yen Lin, I-Lin Hsu, Yaou Fong. Complete laryngotracheal disruption caused by blunt Injury. Ann Thorac Surg 2004 ;77:1211-5 (SCI)
Chih-Ta Yao, Jing-Ming Wu, Ching-Chuan Liu, Ming-Ho Wu, Jieh-Neng Wang. Intrapleural fibrinolytic treatment of complicated parapneumonic pleural effusion in children. Chest 2004;125:566-71 (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng, Fen-Fen Cheng, Thy-Sheng Lin. Thymic carcinoid combined with myasthenia gravis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004 Feb;127:584-5 (SCI)
Yau-Lin Tseng, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Mu-Yen Lin, Wu-Wei Lai. Massive Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding after Acid-corrosive Injury. World Surg 2004 ;28:50-4 (SCI)
Yao CT, Wang JN, Lin CH, Yeh CN, Tai YT, Wu MH, Wu JM. Prediction of outcome in infants with congenital diaphragmatic or severe diaphragmatic eventration. Acta Paediatr Tw 2004;45:131-5
Shi-Ping Luh, Ming-Ho Wu, Jia-Yuh Chen, Ming-Jen Chou. Double Cancers- A case of Adenocarcinoma Developing in the Transposed Gastric Tube Six years after Esophagectomy and Review of Literature. Chung Shan Med J 2005;16:79-86
Tsai YF, Tseng YL, Wu MH (corresponding), Hung CJ, Lai WW, Lin MY. Aggressive resection of the airway invaded by thyroid carcinoma. Br J Surg. 2005; 25; 1382-7 (SCI)
Jia-Ming Chang, Yueh-Feng Tsai, Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Yau-Lin Tsenga, Wu-Wei Lai, Mu-Yen Lin, I-Ling Hsu .Subclavian Arterio-Esophageal Fistula Caused by Foreign Body Penetration: Report of A Case .Formosan J Surg 2006;39;19-23
Jia-Ming Chang , Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding), Yau-Lin Tseng, Wu-Wei Lai, Mu-Yen Lin, Yueh-Feng Tsai I-Ling Hsu .Thoracoscopic Resection of Paraesophageal Bronchogenic cyst: Report of 4 cases. Thorac Med 2006;21;218-24
Lin Hsu, Wu-Wei Lai, Wen-Chau Chen*, Ming-Ho Wu. Rupture of a Mediastinal Schwannoma in a Type II Neurofibromatosis Patient Presenting with Traumatic Hemothorax .Formosan J Surg (Impress)
SP Luh, MH Wu. Pulmonary carcinosarcoma: report of a case with review of the literature. Int Surg 2006;91(1):28-32. (SCI)
JM Chang, YL Tseng, MH Wu, WW Lai, MY Lin, IL Shu. Chest bottle "foam" problem caused by persistent air leak: an alternative solution. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;81:2335-6. (SCI)
YL Tseng, JM Chang, IL Shu, MH Wu., Myasthenia gravis developed 30 months after resection of recurrent thymoma..Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2006;29:268 (SCI).
Kung-Chao Chang, Ming-Ho Wu, Dan Jones, Fen-Fen Chen, Yau-Lin Tseng. Activation of STAT3 in Thymic Epithelial Tumors Correlates with Tumor Type and Clinical Behavior. J Pathol 2006;210:224-33 (SCI)
Wang JN, Yao CT, Yeh CN, Liu CC, Wu MH, Chuang HY, Wu JM. Once-daily Vs twice-daily intrapleural urokinase treatment of complicated parapneumonic effusion in paediatric patients: a randomized prospective study. Int J Clin Pract.2006;60:1225-30 (SCI)
Wu MH. Working Ethics of Surgeon. Tzu Chi Med J.2007;19;44-6
Hsu IL, Wu MH, Lai WW, Lin MY, Chang JM, Yen YT, Tseng YL Cervical ectopic thymoma.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007;133:1658-9.(SCI)
Jia-Ming Chang, Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, Mu-Yen Lin, Yueh-Feng Tsai,I-Ling Hsu, Yi-Ting Yen, Yau-Lin Tseng. Acid Corrosive Injury in Patients with a History of Partial Gastrectomy: Outcome Analysis Dig Surg 2007;24:202–207 (SCI)
Liu YC, Tseng YL, Wu MH, Lai WW, Hsu IL, Yen YT, Chang JM. Ileocolon graft pedicled on ileocolic artery: an alternative esophageal substitute for corrosive injury. Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 ;84:295-6 (SCI)
Yi-Ting Yen, Ming-Ho Wu, Wu-Wei Lai, Mu-Yuan Lin, Chia-Ming Chang, Yau-Lin Tseng “Isolated Intermediate Bronchus Disruption Following Blunt Thoracic Injury: Report of a Case” Thorac Med 2008; 23: 278-283
Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding). Spiral Tracheoplasty following Tangential Resection of Trachea. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009;88: 2042-3 (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu (corresponding). A Simple Myocutaneous Flap for Short-Stump Mediastinal Tracheostomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009 Sep;88(3):1032-3 (SCI)
Wu MH, Wu HY. A simple Devise for closure of a colocutaneous fistula within the laparotomy wound: a case report. Ostomy Wound Manage 2009;55:24-6 (SCI)
Wu HY, Wu MH (corresponding). Vascular Changes in Agenesis of Pulmonary Artery. Annal Thoracic Surg. 2010;90:671 (SCI)
Roan JN, Wu MH (corresponding). Esophageal perforation caused by external air-blast injury J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;5:130 (SCI)
Wu HH, Wu MH (corresponding), Wu HY, Chen CF. Formation of a tracheoesophageal common channel after alkaline injury. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;90:1709-11 (SCI)
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu (corresponding). Chylothorax Following Esophagectomy: Report of Two Cases J Emerg Crit Care Med. 2010; 21, 203-4
Tseng YL, Wu MH, Yang HC, Wang CY, Lin CF. Autocrine IL-6 regulates GRO-alpha production in thymic epithelial cells.Cytokine. 2010 Aug;51(2):195-201. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2010.05.002.
Yen YT, Lai WW, Wu MH, Lin MY, Chang JM, Hsu IL, Tseng YL. Thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma and thymoma are both associated with increased risk of extrathymic malignancy: a 20-year review of a single institution. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011;91:219-25 (SCI)
Yen YT, Wu MH, Cheng L, Liu YS, Lin SH, Wang JD, Tseng YL. Image characteristics as predictors for thoracoscopic anatomic lung resection in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Jul;92(1):290-5. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2011.02.039. Epub 2011 May 6 (SCI)
Chen TC, Wu MH, Cheng YJ, Chang PC. Spontaneous pharyngoesophageal perforations Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;40:1250-2
Wu MH (corresponding), Wu HH. Simple pyloroplasty using a linear stapler in surgery for esophageal cancer. Surg Today. 2012 Aug 5 (SCI)
Yen YT, Wu MH, Lai WW, Chang JM, Hsu IL, Chen YY, Huang WL, Lee WC, Chang KW, Tseng YL. The Role of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in Therapeutic Lung Resection for Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Nov 28. doi:pii: S0003-4975(12)02124-8. 10.1016/
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Patient Selection for Chest Wall Reconstruction Using Bone Plates after Resection of Chest Wall Malignancies Show–Chwan Med J 2012; 11(1,2): 11-18
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. External Fixation of Silicone Stent in Treatment of Cervical Esophagogastrostomy Leaks Show–Chwan Med J 2012; 11(1,2): 29-32
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Surgical Approaches to Non-caustic Benign Esophageal Stenosis in the Elderly Show–Chwan Med J 2012; 11(3,4): 69-73
Yen YT1, Wu MH, Lai WW, Chang JM, Hsu IL, Chen YY, Huang WL, Lee WC, Chang KW, Tseng YL. The role of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in therapeutic lung resection for pulmonary tuberculosis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Jan;95(1):257-63
Ming-Ho Wu & Hsing-Hsien Wu Simple pyloroplasty using a linear stapler in surgery for esophageal cancer Surg Today 2013;43:583-585
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu Perioperative Images of Cricopharyngeal AchalasiaAnn Thorac Surg 2013;96:703
Chen-Yuan Kuo, Horng-Ming Yeh, and Ming-Ho Wu Delayed Presentation with Incarceration of the Colon of Diaphragmatic Hernia 36 Years after Stabbing Injury: A Case Report 內科學誌 2013:24:71-75
Yen YT, Lai WW, Chang KW, Chang KC, Lee SC, Lin SH, Wu MH, Tseng YL Factors predicting recurrence and postrecurrence survival in completely resected thymic carcinoma.Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Apr;97(4):1169-75.
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Incremental change in acute esophageal necrosis: report of two cases. Surg Today 2014; 44:363–365
Hsing-Hsien Wu, Yeun Tarl Fresner NG Jao, Ming-Ho Wu. Glomus Tumor of the Trachea Managed by Spiral Tracheoplasty. Am J Case Rep, 2014; 15: 459-465
Ming-Ho Wu, MD* and Han-Yun Wu, NP .Perioperative Images of Extralobar Sequestration in a Newborn Boy. J Pulm Respir Med 2014, 4:4
Jia-Ming Chang, Wu-Wei Lai, Yi-Ting Yen, Yau-Lin Tseng, Ying-Yuan Chen, Ming-Ho Wu, Wei Chen, Richard W. Apex-to-Cupola Distance Following VATS Predicts Recurrence in Patients With Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Light Medicine (Baltimore) 2015 September; 94(37): e1509. Published online 2015 September 18.
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu. Perioperative Evaluation of Patient Outcomes after Severe Acid Corrosive Injury. Surg. Reserch. Practice.2015, 545262
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu.Thyroid carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation with tracheal invasion. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals. 2015 Jul 22. pii: 0218492315596659
Yau-Lin Tseng, Jia-Ming Chang, Yi-Sheng Liu, Lili Cheng, Ying-Yuan Chen, Ming-Ho Wu, Chung-Lan Lu, Yi-Ting Yen The Role of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Therapeutic Resection for Medically Failed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 May; 95(18): e3511. Published online 2016 May 6. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003511
Jia-Ming Chang, Wu-Wei Lai, Yi-Ting Yen, Yau-Lin Tseng, Ying-Yuan Chen, Ming-Ho Wu, Wei Chen, Richard W. Light Apex-to-Cupola Distance Following VATS Predicts Recurrence in Patients With Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Medicine (Baltimore) 2015 September; 94(37): e1509. Published online 2015 September 18. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001509
Deng-Wei Chou• Ming-Ho Wu. Early detection of recent onset achalasia from a chest radiograph. Intern Emerg Med DOI 10.1007/s11739-016-1485-8
Ming-Ho Wu, and Han-Yun Wu, Tracheobronchial Stenosis Caused by Complex Sling of Left Pulmonary Artery and Aorta Ann Thorac Surg 2016;102:e59
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu. Sequential correction of caustic stricture of trachea and esophageal orifice. Clin Case Rep Rev 2016,2:484-485
Chang JM, Kam KH, Yen YT, Huang WL, Chen W, Tseng YL, Wu MH, Lai WW, Gonzalez-Rivas D. From biportal to uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic anatomical lung resection: A single-institute experience Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Oct;95(40):e5097
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu. Long-Segment Tracheobronchial Stenosis in a 44-Year-Old Woman. Austin J Surg. 2017; 4(1): 109
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu. Thoracoscopic Enucleation of Esophageal Submucosal Tumor. Austin J Surg. 2017; 4(1): 1096.
Ming-Ho Wu and Han-Yun Wu. Surgical relief of esophageal compression by thoracic aorta Glob Surg, 2017; 3: 1-2
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu. Lately Recognized Left Main Bronchial Rupture and Fail Chest. Clinics in Surgery - Thorac Surg 2017: 2: 1412
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu.Slide Pharyngo-Esophagostomy Following Ablation of Hypopharyngeal Cancer. Surg Scien, 2017, 8, 403-406 http://www.scirp.org/journal/ss
Han-YunWu and Ming-HoWu a.Asphyxia Following Complete Thyrodiectomy in a Patient with Relapsed Grave’s Dis Thyro Dis Ther 2017, 6:3 DOI: 10.4172/2167-7948.1000220
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu . Resection of metastatic hepatoma of the thorax or near-diaphragm. Show–Chwan Med J 2017;16(2):80 – 87
Wu MH. Resection of metastatic hepatoma of thorax or near-diaphragm. J Thorac Dis 2017;9 (Suppl 14):AB015. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.s015
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu Laparoscopic Appendectomy as Main Therapeutic Option of Appendicitis ARC J Surg 2018,4,;1: 1-5
Ming-HoWu and Han-YunWu. Pleural drainage using drainage bag for thoracoscopic lobectomy Asian Cardiovas & Thorac Annal 2018, 26: 212–217
Wu MH and Wu HY. Lethal Surgical Outcome of A Large Pulmonary AVM with Severe Right to Left Shunt. Austin J Surg. 2018; 5(4): 1135.
Wu MH and Wu HY. Aggressive Surgery of Hiatal Hernia. Int J Surg Proced.2018 Aug;1(3):115
Wu HY and Wu MH. Awareness and Successful Surgical Treatment of Postoperative Chyle Leaks- Report of Two Cases秀傳醫學雜誌Show–Chwan Med J 2018; 17(2): 102-106
Wu MH, Wu HY. Distended neoesophagus in a man with congenital esophageal atresia. Ann Esophagus 2018;1:16.
Wu M-H, Wu H-Y. Late Malignant Change of Caustic Injured Esophagus. Clin Oncol. 2018; 3: 1541
Wu MH, Wu HY. Surgical treatment of noncaustic benign esophageal stenosis. Formos J Surg 2019;52:1-5.
Wu M-H, Wu H-Y. A Huge Mediastinal Liposarcoma and Its Recurrence. Clin Oncol. 2019; 4: 1648.
Wu M-H, Wu H-Y. Seven Metachronous Primary Cancers within 27 Years in a Woman. Clin Oncol. 2019; 4: 1651
Wu M-H, Wu H-Y. Gastric conduit perforation induced by massive beer drinking. Ann Esophagus 2019 | http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/aoe.2019.08.01
Wu M-H, Wu H-Y. Late Malignant Change of Cervical Esophageal Stump Following Caustic Injury. Clin Oncol. 2019; 4: 1661
Wu M-H, Wu H-Y, Huang S-M. Sequelae of Advanced Recurrent Thyroid Cancer. Clin Oncol. 2019; 4: 1678
Wu MH, Wu HY. Treatment and prevention of esophagogastrostomy leaks using anchoring silicone stent. Ann Esophagus 2019. doi: 10.21037/aoe.2019.12.05
Wu MH. Different results of tracheoplasty for various tracheal diseases. Formos J Surg 2020;53:14-9
Yang HC, Wu HY, Wu MH Hemoptysis Resulting from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia- Case Report. Show–Chwan Med J 2020; 19 (1): 99-104
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Series images of endotracheal cuff hyperinflation inducing tracheal stenosis. Resuscitation & Intensive Care Med 2020;5:71-73
Liao F-T, Hung G-U, Wu M-H, Huang S-M. Solitary Sternal Metastasis – A Uncommon Presentation of Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma. Clin Surg. 2021;6: 3076.
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. On-stage thoracoscopic resection of bilateral bronchiectasis. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2022;30(2):190-194, doi: 10.1177/02184923211044399
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Innominate Arterial Barrier Blocked a 25-Year Substernal Neoesophagus. Ann Thorac Surg. 2022 Feb;113(2):e83-e85.
Yang HC, Wu HY, Wu MH. 食道裂孔疝氣-不容忽視的老年人疾病 Show–Chwan Med J 2022; 21(1): 43-48 DOI 10.53106/156104972022062101006
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Development and Application of Chest Drainage Bags. Show–Chwan Med J 2022; 21(2): 23-29
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Huge thymic hyperplasia in a thyroid follicular cancer patient. Show–Chwan Med J 2022; 21(2):100-103
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. One-stage Bilateral Thoracoscopic Pulmonary Resections for Various Lung Diseases. Show–Chwan Med J 2023; 22(1):25-31
Lobectomy Versus Sub-lobar Resection in Simultaneous Bilateral Thoracoscopic Lung Resection. World J Surg. 2023 Jun 2. doi: 10.1007/s00268-023-07081-7. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37266699
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. The Outcome of Bilateral Lung Cancer Patients Who Underwent One-stage Thoracoscopic Surgery. Show Chwan Med J 2023; 22(2):175-184
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu, Li-Hsum Chen. Extending Goiter Accompanied by Ectopic Hyperparathyroidism. Show Chwan Med J 2023; 22(2):196-201
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Jejunal varices and lung cancer in a patient with cirrhosis of liver. Show Chwan Med J 2023; 22(2):207-210
Mng-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Development and Application of Chest Drainage Bags. Show Chwan Med J 2022; 21(2): 23-29.
Wei-Li Huang , Shun-Tien Chien, Ming-Chih Yu,Bee-Song Chang , Yi-Ting Yen, Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng. Risk factor analysis of postoperative complications after adjunctive pulmonary resection in patients with multidrugresistant tuberculosis: A multi-institutional study. J Microbiol Immunol Infect2023 Oct;56(5):1064-1072.
Ming-Ho Wu, Han-Yun Wu. Thoracoscopic Resection of Recurrent Hepatoma Near-Diaphragm. Show Chwan Med J 2024; 23 (1): 44-50